Are you having trouble logging in to Cash App? If you are, you can do so by following these simple steps. First, you need to sign out of your Cash App account on your gadget and log in with a different email address.
Next, make sure that you've used the same email address to sign uignip for other services, such as Facebook or Twitter since these are required for sign in to Cash App:
To get started with the process of signing in to Cash App without a phone number, you'll need to navigate to the official Cash App website.
Click the help button on the profile page and select Edit My Details.
You'll then be asked to enter your phone number.
Then, click on Forward Code, Edit My Number, or Call Me, and complete the process.
Your account will be ready to use.
Steps to log in to Cash App without a Phone Number
Please be ready with your device which would be used to login into your Cash app account.
Open on your PC.
Click on the icon at the top right side of the screen.
Select the first option, ‘Sign in.’
Now enter your Email Id instead of your Phone number.
Check your email as you would receive mail from the automated server of the Cash App.
Open the link which is received in the Email.
Finally, you’ll redirect to a cloud-based log in of your cash app account.
You are now in your cash app account as per the performed steps.
This may help you,
Rachel Gomez