Furthermore, in OSRS it also has an unique Achievement Diary, which is an ebook that is a compilation of RuneScape gold every one of your most significant accomplishments in one place. Additionally, they're divided into specific areas where you can get them. In this case, for example, completing challenges centered around Varrock can lead to filling in the Varrock Diary.
For finishing Diaries that are completed, players receive a reward with exclusive sets and items exclusively available from these activities. Currently, there are 12 diaries for OSRS players, which are Ardougne, Desert, Falador, Fremennik, Kandarian, Karamja, Kourend & Kebos, Lumbridge & Draynor, Morytania, Varrock, Western Provinces in addition to the Wilderness Diary.
Achievement journals are divided into four categories , based on the level of difficulty - easy, medium, hard, and elite. The first are generally extremely easy and rarely require much time or effort. They don't need skills above level 40. Medium tasks are the majority of the time similarly simple even though they require some knowledge to be at level 65. These tasks that are hard, as the name states, are more demanding and require special skills to be in the range of level 75.
These tasks are meant for endgame players since they could need a minimum of level 90 in certain skills. Even though the process of completing elite tasks generally takes a long time and might require certain levels of various skills They also reward players with the most valuable treasures. If they finish every Achievement Diaries, players gain access to buy OSRS GP Cyan trim for Quest Point Cape and can purchase the exclusive Achievement Diary Cape.